How Do I Know I Have a Valid Car Accident Case?

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After your unfortunate car accident, you may initially file a claim against the at-fault driver’s insurance company. However, it is almost always the case that an insurance company will minimize or flat-out reject a payout. So, you may consider taking more drastic measures to receive the financial compensation you desperately need to recover. That is, taking legal action against the at-fault driver. Continue reading to learn how to determine whether you have a valid car accident case and how an experienced Toronto car accident lawyer at Merricks Law Group, P.A. can help you bring your case forward at the right time.

How do I know if I have a valid car accident case on my hands?

There are certain key elements that, if met, make for a valid car accident case. Without further ado, these circumstantial elements read as follows:

  • You believe the other driver owed you a duty of care in safely navigating the roads.
  • You believe the other driver breached this duty of care by recklessly navigating the roads.
  • You believe the other driver’s negligent actions directly caused your car accident event to happen.
  • You believe your car accident event directly led to your incurrence of bodily injuries and property damages.
  • You believe your injuries and damages have and will continue to cause you suffering physically, emotionally, and economically.

What is the statute of limitations for bringing my car accident case forward?

You may have all the elements for a valid and potentially successful car accident case. But none of this may matter if you wait too long to bring your case forward. That is, the Province of Ontario enforces a statute of limitations of two years for personal injury claims just like yours. This two-year countdown starts on the day your accident occurred, or in some unique circumstances, the day you discovered your injuries and damages.

While two years may seem like plenty of time, it may slip you by before you know it. This is because it may take you longer to prepare your case before you can bring it forward. For example, it may take several appointments with several doctors to ultimately receive an adequate diagnosis of the extent of your injuries. Then, it may take time to find a financial expert who can help you calculate the total cost of your current and future medical treatments for your injuries.

All in all, this is why it is recommended that you start thinking about your potential case while you are still at the scene of your accident. You should do this just for the very fact that a lot of evidence you need for your case is present at the scene.

We strongly encourage you to retain the services of a skilled Toronto auto accident lawyer. You may do so by scheduling an initial consultation with Merricks Law Group, P.A. today.

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